Photowalk in Almada 2022

Today I went for a photo-walk organized by Street Photo Lx. We were quite a diverse pack, with film cameras, mobile phones, mirror-less photo camera, and, of course, me with my compact Fujifilm.
Naoh got us all together at Cais Do Sodre, where we took the boat across the river, to Cacilhas.

Once arrived, we started walking on the river boardwalk towards Jardim do Rio.

At Jardim do Rio, people were relaxing, watching the river, listening to music, or dancing.

Beyond Jardim do Rio, there’s this amazing, deserted place, where the only people were either fisherman or graffiti artists.

I never saw the end of the boardwalk, but there’s a pretty amazing place to discover and also a great shooting location for future photoshoots. Just abandoned buildings, colorful graffiti, and… nature.

Once I explored and photographed most of the things that looked interesting, I got back to the group for a nice, Saturday afternoon picnic.

It was a lovely photo-walk, I’ve met some pretty great people and had a great photographic experience altogether.